All things Water Kefir

What is water kefir?

Water Kefir is a bubbly fermented probiotic beverage made with water kefir grains that is excellent for gut health. It is made with water, natural sugars and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts (SCOBY) held in a polysaccharide biofilm matrix created by the bacteria. They are known as “water kefir grains”, however, they are not actually grains, but are referred to in this way because of their appearance. Water kefir grains are also known as “tibicos”. Water Kefir has traditionally been consumed for centuries and their most widely accepted origin is Mexico, where the “tibicos” are harvested from the pear cactus.

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that have an ability to improve or restore balance to the gut flora. Probiotics are generally referred to as “good” or “helpful” bacteria because they keep the gut healthy and are great for digestion. Gut health, in turn, is associated with a myriad of other benefits such as a strong immune system and improved energy and mood.

How many probiotics are there in B.Gutsy water kefir?

The industry standard for measuring probiotics is called CFU - Colony Forming Units. This is the number of alive and active microorganisms typically in one ml of a probiotic dietary supplement. With billions of live cultures or CFUs, including live strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium - probiotics that help the body break down food, absorb nutrients, and fight off the bad bacteria that can cause disease in the body. 

What are the benefits of water kefir?

Let’s try and cover all of them, shall we?
- Better digestion due to balanced gut flora

- Better sleep

- Reduced eczema

- Supports the immune system

- Prevents and alleviates bloating

- Helps manage free radicals in the body

- Energy booster

A tasty drink, yet full of health benefits!

How much water kefir should I have in a day?

Our 250ml water kefir is the perfect place to start if you are new to fermented foods. Generally, water kefir allows a gentle detox of the body. If you're craving more, go ahead and indulge yourself!

I have diabetes. Can I still drink water kefir?

The base for water kefir IS made out of sugar water so it isn’t possible to make a sugar-free version. However, this sugar is for feeding the bacteria and yeast. By the time a bottle of B.Gutsy water kefir reaches your hands, most of that sugar has been broken down during the fermentation process. The end product is a very low-sugar, low-calorie drink (1.3g sugar and 7kcal per serving approx). Moreover, the sugar (sucrose) is broken down into fructose and glucose – and fructose does not spike the blood sugar level of people with diabetes in the way sucrose does. A good idea would be to check your sugar levels regularly to monitor the effects water kefir has. Also, check with your doctor to see if water kefir is something you can include in your diet.

I'm pregnant. Can I still drink water kefir?

Generally pregnant women can drink water kefir as it is rich in probiotics and enzymes. However due to the natural fermentation, there will be small traces of alcohol present. To ensure safety, consume in moderation and consult with your doctor for confirmation.

Can my kids drink water kefir?

Water kefir is generally safe and beneficial for kids, but a child’s digestive system is smaller and can be more sensitive so caution must be exercised when it comes to the amount they are given to drink. Water kefir is not recommended for children under 12 years old due to the traces of alcohol.

Does B.Gutsy contain alcohol?

B.Gutsy is a non-alcoholic beverage, however, due to the natural fermentation process of all live cultured products and with our drinks being unpasteurized, there will be traces of alcohol the longer the drinks are kept.

What is the advantage of water kefir over probiotic pill supplements?

Probiotic pill supplements usually have only one or a select variety of bacteria. The gut thrives when there is bacterial diversity. B.Gutsy water kefir goes through a natural fermentation process and contains many strains of bacteria. Water kefir is considered a functional food because it offers enzymes, pre-digested nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, calories/energy and billions of probiotics, all in one.

How do I store my water kefir?

Water kefir should be kept refrigerated at all times. Even though our water kefir comes in a bottle, it is NOT shelf-stable. This is because your drink is literally alive and fermentation is an ongoing process. Although we recommend that you consume your drink within a week of receiving it, your drink (like most fermented foods) will not go “bad” for a long time. The taste, however, WILL change as the bacteria and yeast further consume the sugars in the drink – making it more sour. 

What is the difference between water kefir, milk kefir and kombucha?

Kombucha is tea-cultured while water kefir is water-cultured. Water kefir is thus caffeine-free. Water kefir has a sweet taste, while kombucha has more of a bitter taste to it. Water kefir is also considered to have a greater number of probiotic bacteria strains.

Water kefir and milk kefir share some common bacterial strains, but have many of their own unique ones too. Milk kefir is a yogurt-y drink, but is not suitable for those who are sensitive to milk products. Water kefir is dairy-free and lighter to taste.

Shipping and Delivery

When will I receive my Water Kefir?

After we receive your order, we aim to ship within 4 working days.

How much is delivery?

As we're a small business we have to charge for delivery at £5.00 for all orders. Don't worry though, we're working really hard to make it free!

Can I recycle your packaging?

Yes! We pride ourselves in caring for the environment and want to be as sustainable as possible. All our bottles and packaging can be recycled.